Our Services

Excellent Corporate Services Limited and Perfect Team Secretaries Limited provide clients with high quality corporate secretarial services and innovative business solutions.

Whether you are planning to expand your business or looking for opportunities for a new venture, our strong team of commercial experts is able to help you set up onshore or offshore companies and support you with ongoing company secretarial services. We also provide advisory services on corporate governance and corporate re-structuring.

Our Shenzhen office offers a broad mix of services in setting up entities in China, corporate restructuring administration, human resources consulting, accounting, payroll and tax-reporting services.

With our extensive business network across China and other countries, we are in an excellent position to help you enter into the market of the Mainland China and provide you with sound and all-round advice to your Mainland China operations.

We strive to provide value-for-money services and solutions which are tailored to your needs and we are committed to help you build a successful business.


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